Monday, April 16, 2012

part 101, or "i'm not friedrich nietzsche, goodnight"

I watched the movie Youth in Revolt yesterday, and in addition to glowing in the enduring adorableness of Michael Cera, I was very taken by his character’s separate self. For some reason, I have become preoccupied with my own separate selves, and am finding it much easier to see where I have been able to integrate myself into myself, in the past and the present.

There is one separate self I have that is all about shutting down and staying over and to the left of what is happening. I’m beginning to recognize how that part of me used dissociation to get through painful experiences – I actually have tons of flashbacks at the dentist, when I am on my back with a man holding me down (in my mind, that’s what it feels like and I itch my nose or something over and over so that he will have to lean back and get out of my face when I need him to), and doing things that hurt me. This is one of the very few times I use the floating above and to the left kind of dissociation in the recent past.

Also, maybe I should get a dentist who is not a large man. Hm.

Another part of myself is when I have a very distinctive feeling of switching off my feelings, and just moving my body along. That’s what happened that day when I was terrified to go into school (having aborted my father’s embryo three days before, doing something as normal as going to school was not actually within my concept of reality) and he made me go anyway. Like with the staying to the left kind of dissociating, I could feel this separateness of myself, and I could feel cement in my chest instead of fear, and I was surreally aware of what was going on, but I just was separate and away from myself.

It’s actually really difficult to describe. I don’t feel like there are separate versions of myself that take turns dealing with whatever crisis I may be experiencing – it’s all me, but separate. Like I am composed of fragmented stone, all the smaller bits getting together to make the one me – the smaller bits are still the smaller bits, but they are also all the one person that I am.


It was just kind of comforting to see what I can’t really describe about myself on my tv, in the form of Michael Cera. I feel like it’s easier for me to accept my separateness.

Today I’ve noticed that it’s been difficult concentrating on where I physically am and things of that nature. I literally could not spell virus or obnoxious – I had to look them up. I was stopped at a light this afternoon, and when the light changed, I suddenly realized I was supposed to be turning left, and there were multiple lanes, and I had to finagle my car over and to make the turn.

Except that I wasn’t supposed to be turning left; I had made that turn onto that street about five minutes before that. It’s kind of jolting, and can be very frustrating to deal with this shit, but today I was able to see where my separateness is getting kind of crossed over and intertwined, and it’s overwhelming and makes it hard to just be aware of what’s going on around me, but feels really good to be merging into a less separate person. Or maybe it’s just getting more familiar with how I operate, and can accept it all as who I am.

Getting more familiar with all of that means having to not only accept the things that happened to me, but to get comfortable with it all, too. All of that stuff is never going to change – all that stuff in the past. I’m stuck with it. Its what has made me who I am.

This is all so existential. I feel like I should be sitting around a campfire, smoking peyote and binging on philosophical philosophies. Thinking about all of this really clouds up everything that is going on around me, like I am having the “good trip” I never experienced when I was actively seeking it by eating LSD.

Okay, enough thinking for today. All of the parts of me are going to get a bowl of cereal and watch The Office with my man. 

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