Saturday, June 23, 2012

part 115, or "fat lady's singin, bee-otch"

So. Jerry Sandusky.

When the State Attorney General spoke following the announcement of the convictions, she talked about people like Sandusky hiding behind their status in the community, behind their job titles, and behind their money, and how this particular case was proof that some people can't hide forever. It is also proof of how difficult it is to accuse someone like Sandusky of child molestation, how someone with money, a wife, kids, and a particular career can be such a gigantic hurdle for a victim to get over before they even begin facing the public and all of its judgments.

Another thing the Attorney General said was that each of the victims, when questioned about why they had not reported Sandusky earlier, was that they believed no one would find a kid credible. Then she went on to talk about how she would believe a kid if they came to her, and the county (or township or whatever) would believe a kid, and how the state of Pennsylvania would believe a kid. I found this assertion irresponsible, opportunistic, and obnoxious, mostly because it is a bunch of bullshit.

How many parents have been told straight out by their five year old daughter that the next door neighbor put his finger in her vagina, and then not done anything? People who are parents, or want to be parents, or are idealistic in any way, would want to believe that they would take action to protect their child (or any child), and to report the creep-show-neighbor to the police; at the very least, they would not allow their child to be around that particular neighbor ever again.

It didn't happen that way when I was the five year old daughter, and it doesn't happen that way for A LOT of victims.

Here's the thing: as taboo as the act of harming a child is - as much as people cry out in righteous indignation about how they would never let anything like that happen to a kid - turning your head when you are confronted with it is about 90 billion times easier than acting on it.

I mean, who are child molesters? They aren't anything that can be seen or detected from a mile away, though that is what people want to believe. We have this mindset that if a predator was ever in our midst, it would be obvious, and so if anyone ever came forward and accused that person of indecency, it would be readily accepted.

But that's not who child molesters are: they are your fathers and mothers and sons and daughters and wives and husbands and brothers and sisters; they are the neighbor, the bus driver, the youth pastor, the baby sitter; the pediatrician; they are people you know - YOU personally and individually know these people. Child molesters are people who go in and out of YOUR life everyday, without it even occurring to you that they might not be the nice, loving, peaceable, harmless friend or family member or acquaintance they purport themselves to be. They are like germs - YOU can't see them, but they are there nonetheless.

When someone is accused of molesting a child, it is a BIG DEAL. It might not ever become a big deal to anyone other than the victim and the person hearing the accusation, but it is a BIG DEAL. Harming children is not something tolerated in our society; once that label is placed on a person, it never comes off - it's like a tattoo. It is NOT forgivable.

What IS forgivable, though, is a confused child, or a "misinterpretation" of events or actions, or even an angry spouse manipulating their own kid to make you the ex look bad. But the actual reality of that accusation is not something people are apt to consider for more than a few seconds, if at all.

My mom sexually abused me. It was only once, when I was 14, and it was to "prove" her "loyalty" to my dad. I doubt she would have done such a thing - ever - had my dad not been standing there goading her into it. I mean, the bitch hated me, but I have a hard time comprehending the notion that she regularly performed sex acts on helpless, teenaged girls. Or boys. The pleasure she got from doing that to me was in her relentless ego, her all-encompassing narcissism. She hated thinking my dad could manipulate her, and she LOVED winning an argument, regardless of whether she was right or not.

My mom took her marriage vows very seriously, and there was no way she was not going to stand behind them. I don't think my dad took the vows that seriously, but he knew that my mom hated to admit ever being wrong about something, even if was something said when she was twenty years old and decades before.

Anyway, my mom was trying to convince my dad that she would do anything to prove her commitment or loyalty or some shit, and my dad was pushing her buttons, saying that he did not believe her, that he knew she was not completely loyal to him. What would she have to do to prove it? She told him she would have done anything. ANYTHING.

I don't know why my dad told her to do that to me. I don't know if it was because he really did not believe she would sexually assault her own child, and that she would be forced to admit that she was not so loyal to him after all, and he would be the winner, or if he knew that she would do what she told him because it was the only way to validate her argument, and he knew that she would choose to do those things to her own daughter rather than admit she might not be as loyal as she was convinced she was, or wanted him to believe she was, and he could relish in the absolute power over her.

I don't know. But he told her to do it. I was right there, watching them. When he told her what to do to me, she got a shocked and horrified look on her face, but only for a second. Then all of the muscles in her face went slack, and her eyes turned into dead green glass, and I could see she was falling into that place where she felt nothing but her own superiority with being right. And then she did it.

She told me where to sit and what to do, and I did what I was told, and then she did probably the most horrific and evil thing a mother could do to her child, and as broken as I already was before then, it felt like there was nothing left of me at all - no fear, no anger, no sadness, no tears, no pain, no hope, no devastation - just a shell, a robot, completely void of any feeling at all.

And I just stayed that way. That's who I was in that house. Every now and then some feeling would come back to me, and I would smile or laugh, and it was so nice when that happened. But it didn't take long for something to remind me of what she did, and I did not acknowledge it in my head at all, but just go back to being a robot.

Up until that Attorney General lady said that about Sandusky hiding behind his reputation and social and economic status, I could not fathom telling the world what my mom did to me. But one of Sandusky's own kids, Matt, had approached the prosecution the evening before his dad was to testify, and he told them what his dad had done to him. He also told them he would be willing to testify against his dad. And that was that. Sandusky was absolutely done for.

But so is Matt's relationship with the people he has known and loved for most of his life, including his mom and siblings. I wonder if he has any idea how much pain he is going to feel as a result of doing what he did. I did not realize the amount of pain that was in store for me when I told my brother and sister and uncle that my mom had sexually assaulted me, but it was like I couldn't stop it. I was so angry, and indignant, and it was all so big in my mind, I don't think I would have been able to not tell people what she did to me.

Matt Sandusky was immediately thrown under the bus by his family. His mom and siblings, and Jerry himself, have invoked anything they possibly could to discredit that kid. He was adopted, he has always had something wrong with him, he was having trouble being able to support himself - all of those things are things that anyone who chooses to look the other way and not confront the reality of it all can use to make themselves feel better. They can think of those explanations, and not feel so nauseous, or dirty, and completely wrecked as they had been when they first heard what Matt was telling people.

Because it is DEVASTATING to do what Matt Sandusky did.

Maybe his mom and other family members will come around to accepting the truth someday, and maybe my mom and other family members will do that, too. But until then, they are choosing to believe the shit she put out there - she said I am getting revenge on her for not doing anything about my dad abusing me, I'm psychotic, I'm a sociopath - I have all of the excuses she came up with in an email she wrote. That's how she told me she would never confront that truth about herself, in an email.

Of course, I did initially confront her in an email. In one of her responses she told me that what I was accusing her of was "disgusting." I don't know why, but her use of the word "disgusting" in denying the things she actually did makes it easier for me to not miss her as much.

At various other times in her emails responding to my accusations, she pitched her theories that people who did not want to believe the truth could believe instead. My sister called me and said that I probably had a "psychotic break," my brother called me (and my husband and my son) and said how I was "like him" (our dad), and my uncle called me and didn't try to deny any of it at all. Instead he asked me if it could have been my dad's idea, and not hers, and I told him, yes, he was standing there the whole time, and I didn't think she would have done it on her own.

And my uncle said what he's been saying for years, but that I hadn't really heard until that moment: "I've always believed your father had some sort of Svengali effect on her." When he said that, I knew he believed me, that it was not difficult for him to conclude that it could have realistically happened as I'd claimed. I knew that the pieces were rapidly falling into place for him, and hoped he would stand behind me, but he didn't.

Those are all of the reasons why I feel that Attorney General's claim was irresponsible and opportunistic and obnoxious - because I KNOW what the real story is. I KNOW that is not something that will ever be true for the great majority of victims. I KNOW Jerry Sandusky will be only one of thousands to be confronted with what he did in a court of law.

But that lady also said something else that I heard loud and clear - that other victims can feel stronger about coming forward with their own stories, and she encouraged us to do that.

And she was right - I do feel stronger about it, and coming forward with my own story is what I just did.

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