Monday, June 25, 2012

part 116, or "bangin on fools"

So I'm kind of embarrassed about my post, "mother fucking fuck fuck, revisited" (part 114). I knew I was throwing a hissy fit when I was writing it, and I knew I might regret posting it, but at the time I was very much feeling what I was writing, so I was like "fuck it."

I actually even considered taking that post down. I don't think I come across as very sane and reasonable person, either, and that is I guess why I am embarrassed about it - that and the note of desperation.

So there was this one critique of my book that said the main character was someone waiting to be rescued; I find that kind of derogatory toward the character (or anyone who is sitting around, waiting to be rescued), but it is not inaccurate. I got to go to art school for one quarter about 15 years ago (and I LOVED it), and one of the teachers said I reminded her of Blance Deveroux, always relying on the kindness of strangers. And then I was at therapy today, and we were talking about how that blog post (part 114) was a very literal expression of how frustrating - and futile - it can be waiting for someone to rescue you.

So am I someone who is waiting to be rescued? I mean, I feel like that rings pretty true in some ways.

When I was writing that post, I wrote about wanting someone to see the value in me and recognize that I could make them a lot of money (you, know, because of how boring I'm not), and buy my book and give me enough money to get the fuck out of this shit-hole town. As I wrote those words about seeing the value in me, I felt like I sounded pathetic, like a child trying to get their parents' favor  (hmmm, I wonder where that analogy came from), but failing.

I posted it anyway, and now I'm kind of embarrassed.

However, I feel very good at the fact that I have been putting all of ME out there - every unattractive quality - without ruminating too much. Because as much as it would be super-fucking-awesome for someone to come along and say, "hey I want to buy your book for the exact amount it will take you to get out of this shithole town, and also I was thinking maybe I could give you a substantial advance on your next book," it's not what this is about.

What this IS about is what is REAL, and REAL is not necessarily an attractive shade on me all the time, so….


The whole rescuing thing, and that last post, and how it all alludes to my state of mind since I was a child has been a lot to think about. I really do feel that someone "waiting to be rescued" is weak. I'm not sure where I get that from. I mean "waiting to be rescued" could also be seen as incredibly resilient and filled with unwavering tenacity and faith. Whatever, I've been analyzing it all day and it's getting old. My conclusion is that yeah, it is definitely something that can be applied to me, and I am going to decline to make a final determination on whether or not is an admirable trait.

On a completely different note…um, I TOTALLY outed my mom yesterday. I've been very strongly alluding to what she has specifically done to me, but yesterday was the first time I full out said it.

It SUH-UH-UH-KED. It was terrifying. It launched me into a dissociative state that I haven't experienced in a long time. I have been reliving that time, when I was 14, when she did that to me. I've been reliving the next door neighbor molesting me when I was 5. I've been reliving looking into the eyes of the sadistic rapist across the street when he was trying to kill me (which really actually was much scarier than all those times my dad tried to kill me…I mean, if there a scale of fear on that level).

I've been imagining my brother showing up at my house and yelling at me and telling me what a horrible and disloyal and evil little bitch I am, and how I am exactly like our father, and how he is so disgusted that he's never going to have anything to do with me again, but he's still going to make me pay for this horrible injustice against our mother. I've been imagining my sister doing kind of the same thing, but in a really controlled and calm way, and without using any bad words, and telling me that she will be praying for my mortal soul. They probably also would both reference the bible or god or whatever, and spear me through the chest with it.

You know what is so awesome? I don't believe in that bible or that god, and they can spear me with whatever they want, because I can take pretend spears to the chest all day long. Bitch.

At therapy today, my therapist said we could do some things to help me grounded again, and I told her I did not want to be grounded, that I was very comfortable in the dissociated state I was in. It was kind of weird being that aware of being that dissociated, but it still felt like nothing at all, and particularly not like the consequences of outing my mom about the sexual abuse.

I am coming out of it now, though, and I am finding I don't feel very scared. One of the things I've been most surprised about is how scared I am of my brother coming down here and confronting me. My sister would be almost as scary as that. I haven't been so concerned about my mom showing up, but if she did, it would be a straight-to-911 situation, because she would have to be completely out of her fucking mind to show up at my house, and I'm still full up on crazy from that bitch, and I'm not interested in getting any more from her.

But being scared of my brother and sister: I have always had this tremendous guilt about scaring them when we were growing up. I yelled a lot, there were physical altercations, hair pulling, face scratching; once my sister and I hung our brother up by the seat of his pajama pants by hooking the waistband onto a stubby branch sticking out of a tree in the front yard. I have carried a lot of guilt about how horrible I was, and over the past couple of years, they had taken to occasionally reminding me of that.

Maybe that is why I have been feeling scared that they would confront me - because I hurt them in the past, and they probably feel I am still hurting them now, and I am feeling shame about it.

I think I am officially over the shame of all of the horrible things I did to my brother and sister when I was a child growing up in a world of impending doom, though.

I am very happy to find that just writing about my brother and sister has taken away that fear of them, and I am even happier to find that as I have been getting more grounded over the day, I have not been subjected to the doom and damnation that I had always believed would come to me if I told on my mom. I'm actually feeling pretty good and brave about it.

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